A Lifestyle Blog With An African Twist


Ankara outfits always come in handy when one is having a serious bad hair day as the one I was experiencing on Sunday.  I was so busy catching up with friends on Saturday, I didn't have time to wash my hair and couldn't be bothered doing it in the morning before going to church.  To be honest it was also pretty cold.  Getting out of bed alone was a chore on its own.  I think I had five short snoozes before eventually getting up, walking into the wardrobe and voila, just as if I had waved a magic wand, this unplanned outfit was in my hands. The hubs is still amazed at how quickly this happened because the normal procedure would have me trying a few outfits and then him and the boys will  have to choose which one is most appropriate. They didn't have to go through the punishment and I think I have just shot myself in the foot because they might refuse to help out next time.

TCW readers, how are you all doing?  It's been a week of so much heartache around the world.  The mudslides in Sierra Leone did not affect any of my relatives however no one should go in such a manner. Praying that God will comfort the families affected during this difficult time.   Such events brings things into perspective for us, don't they?   Till next time, do what makes you happy and live life to the fullest. xx


  1. Don't you love when an outfit just 'comes together' :-) Sorry to hear about the mud slides in your country. We don't get much news from that area of the world here in the US.


  2. You look so comfy and Chic and I love the colors.

  3. You look so gorgeous and the color is beautiful!


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